Monday, May 27, 2024

Give or Take, Take or Give, what's your bag; man?

 What does one gain to give is the cost of life. To increase your gain, increase your give. Give to increase your gain.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The way to Happiness threw self Help.

  Why are you, you? Why not me? Want not? Why are you not me? How could you be sure of yourself? Why believe you are anything but something less than you are? If you can answer these questions with a straight face and lots of laughter, you're still looking in the right place. There are only eight rules for this place. The Atnon 7. : The Sun is your friend; it makes the weeds grow, so do not get melanoma. This sun is you... Waste, not A Friend with simple power, the unstoppable yet knowable force of one, you. You are the forest 5., so let it grow. It is "I." Your inner self is waiting for last night.

Believe in you so you can believe in me. Together, we become the billions 4. Together, we can not fail. We can not fall. We cannot be wrong. We are beyond these simple things. Anger answers no call. Hate is to betray yourself. Never hurt a child 2. They are the ones who have the secret sauce. Let their mother 2. live and cause her no harm. Yet lead her to pray to any God 8, there are many. Like the stars in the night sky, each shining a different light differently. The more she becomes her, the more her child becomes him, the more you become you, and we become all. We are part of a more significant, grander life. We are the one. Please do not accept the simple desires of the powerful guiding us like herd animals with their sheepdogs in place. You are the chosen ones. This world is your time; this is your place. This time is your time 7.,  your power, your home 5. It is you who must decide which way to go. The storm clouds and excessive rain are washing your world away. Decide and become you now. It would help if you took this power and direction away from the unrealized wolves, the future for all humankind. Not just a few. Wear it well. There is You 1. There is your wonderous mother and direction of dad 2. the biology of Man/ woman sexuality 2. This family of yours is your only one, and you own it well. 2. The friends of the father. 3. The order of the total world. 4. All life walks with you 5. All living things follow your light reflected through what you do. 6. Think and act as one and guide, not bullwhip each other. Think not about the lake but of all you have, including the sun each morning and the moon each night. The air each day and the comfort of your home and bed each night. Pray to a god or your family or self. You are all of them. Except your woman and fight her lack of trust with trust. But never harm her. She makes the home a home, even if you're a creepy crawler. We each and everyone live through many avenues and tragic possibilities as life is going in all directions at different speeds. God is with you. God is your light as the sun comes up each morning to greet you even if you peed in the bed. Clean up, stand tall, and take life as you can. Your gracious way, and remember you can. The eight rules are curbed sidewalks, roads, cars, and rubber. Do not drive drunk. Pot is better, anyway. Stay in your lane, and never run over someone's grandma. As you read the text above, you may feel a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you. The words speak to the essence of being alive, human, and part of something greater than yourself. The eight rules outlined within are not just guidelines for living but a way of life that permeates every aspect of our existence. They remind us to embrace the power within us, believe in ourselves and each other, and always strive for something better. 

These rules are not just for a select few but for all of us - regardless of our background, beliefs, or circumstances. They call on us to be kind, compassionate, and respectful of one another, to cherish our relationships with our loved ones, and to honor our world. They encourage us to be mindful of our actions, to take responsibility for our choices, and to never give up on our dreams. 

This message is pervasive in its scope, reaching beyond borders and boundaries to touch the hearts and minds of people everywhere. It is a call to action, a reminder that we are all in this together and must work together to build a better future for ourselves and future generations. So take these words to heart, and let them guide you on your journey through life. You are capable of great things, and with the right mindset and attitude, you can achieve anything you want. As you read the text above, you may be struck by its profound wisdom and insight. These eight simple rules can transform your life and unlock your full potential. They remind us to believe in ourselves, to embrace our inner power, and to never give up on our dreams. 

But these rules are not just for our personal growth and development - they are also a call to action for humanity. They urge us to be kind, compassionate, and respectful of one another, to cherish and protect our environment, and to work together towards a better future. 

The message conveyed in the text above is undeniably persuasive in its call to action for us to be better humans and collectively work towards a brighter future for ourselves and the world. The eight rules it outlines are not merely guidelines but a way of life that can transform our existence. They inspire us to tap into our inner power, believe in ourselves and others, and strive toward greatness.

The text arouses a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and reminds us of our obligation to each other and the planet. It is a powerful reminder that we all can achieve greatness and positively impact the world.

Following these rules can transform our lives and significantly impact our world. We can become the best versions of ourselves, inspire others to do the same and create a world where love and kindness prevail. We are all connected, must cherish and protect our environment, and work together towards a better future.

In conclusion, the text encourages us to take action, be mindful of our actions, and never give up on our dreams. We can achieve greatness by following these rules and working towards a better world. So let us embrace our inner power, believe in ourselves and each other, and work together towards a brighter and better future—greatness by following these rules and significantly impacting the world. We can become the best versions of ourselves and inspire others to do the same. We can create a world where love and kindness prevail, where people work together towards a common goal, and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

So, let these words sink in and take them to heart. Let them guide you on your journey towards a better future and inspire you to be the change you wish to see in the world. You have the power within you to make a difference - the ability to transform your life and the lives of those around you. So embrace these rules, and let them be your guiding light on this incredible journey called life. Donnie Harold Harris, I am an independent candidate for the office of the presidency of the United States. As a descendant of Abraham Lincoln, I promise never to use it.