Showing posts with label Zoroaster. god.allah.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zoroaster. god.allah.. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2023

How does the immune system work?

 The immune system is your body’s defense against harmful invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and cancer cells. It consists of two main parts: the innate and adaptive immune systems. The innate immune system is the first to respond to any threat and includes physical barriers, such as skin and mucous membranes, and immune cells that can kill or engulf germs. The adaptive immune system is more specific and develops over time as your body encounters different germs. It produces antibodies, proteins that recognize and neutralize germs, and memory cells, which can remember and respond faster to previous infections. The immune system also has various organs and tissues that help produce, store, and transport immune cells and molecules, such as the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and tonsils1

 If one changes the words to those of several systems, one will find that The design is a running mate to that of the body functions.                How can I boost my immune system?   Many factors affect your immune system, including sleep, diet, exercise, stress, and lifestyle habits. Some general tips to boost your immune system naturally are:

These are some of the ways you can boost your immune system naturally. However, remember that these strategies are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. You should consult your doctor or a qualified health professional if you have any health concerns or questions.                                                                                 Can stress affect my immune system?          Yes, stress can affect your immune system in various ways. Stress can reduce the number of immune cells that fight infections, increase inflammation that can lead to chronic diseases, and impair the body’s anti-inflammatory response123

Stress can also cause depression and anxiety, which can further weaken your immune system. Therefore, managing your stress levels and finding healthy coping methods is essential. Some of the strategies that can help you reduce stress and boost your immune system are getting enough sleep, eating more whole plant foods and healthy fats, avoiding or limiting alcohol and tobacco, exercising regularly, and practicing positive thinking and relaxation techniques14

If you want to learn more about how stress affects your immune system and what you can do to prevent it, you can check out these sources:

Public Party; First Definition;: The conditions of existance. The Atoms/adam threw ...

Public Party; First Definition;: The conditions of existance. The Atoms/adam threw ...:  What are special powers? The basic biology of the human body.  The human body is a complex and fascinating system of organs, tissues, cells...

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Friday, October 23, 2020

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.: Changing the way you live. The building blocks for Humanity is Evident in the Dynamic levels of Existence Correlated and placed into the rig...

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.

"Charity and the Art Of " donnie harold harris: The building blocks of Humanity is all about You.: Changing the way you live. The building blocks for Humanity is Evident in the Dynamic levels of Existence Correlated and placed into the rig...

Lake of life.: This universe is of female design,the fact is the ...

Lake of life.: This universe is of female design,the fact is the ...:   quoted from This universe is of female design, the fact is the male still tries to overcome his lack of control over there inn...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A truly courages act,is noticed by all men.

Ethics and the seeming randomness of its action surround us all. @ total ethics one communes with the all-ness of everything else, beliefs are created once one comes back from the trip to the bigger system. As the tanks rolled up, the world wanted a "him" to prevail over the perceived totality of Chinese might, all of them. This is god in action, physically threw a single you, controlling the All of them. You will get the simpleness of this? The tankers themselves want him to win. It's bigger than its all-ness. God is no mystery. As you know what I speak of today, in reference to Tienanmen square. Ethics is always senior to live, and any beliefs or scientific actions...It's the nonelectrical supply(soul) for the dos system( Unconcerned about results), to your windows systems, through and of your life. Ethics is always in the direction of the greatest numbers. One shoots off millions of seed, for one single hit. Not to only influence physical growth of a self, but as well a possibility of influence, trillions of other creations of the all-ness of it all. That we are so far aware of, as all.AS one moved from the cave to the view of the forest and fields and villages below, one sees a cacophonous of randomness. Now with the view in manipulable formed. Thus the wheel is formed, the wheel of dualism. Circles of life. I spotted god flying through space heading toward the Gulf of Mexico. I said Hey Big-G, Where you off to so fast. God said That I have but one single drop of pure water left in the entire heavens. And I shall drop it myself into my waves. I wondered if God had heard yet about the spill, and all it's tragic effects of if's Bullying to the local people and Eco-systems. Big-G, maybe you should save that drop for a future time? If a single drop enters the all-ness of water, shall its singleness, ever be regained. And will not the existing cause of all the water overwhelm totally this single drop? Slowing down in what appeared to be a sled, Can not one sun(son) create through to all of life? Can not one seed create In this universe into that of others universes, in through one man? Is one not at the same time The all? One drop of water suddenly drops, drops from the clouds(heaven-god-gods home), land on concrete, evaporates(dies) reforms up in heaven(clouds) to be created anew, and dropped upon a bean plant, that became a meal of a man that saved the world. When this man dies and is cremated this drop, again goes home to the clouds. Yes, this one drop can change all. And change the future of it all.AS man realizes that religion is simply a leveling up of life, at different times, but the level should care not, about the viewer's point of view. Not one single drop is wasted in all heaven, and only appears to in hell,{matter energy space and time-Independence of each other.}The ride between the 2 is of most concern. The clouds, the heavens, Earth the hell. The trip between death or rebirth, The wilds, but not a hell. from planet  earth 2010 

Islam and modern times: A truly courages act,is noticed by all men.

Islam and modern times: A truly courageous act, is noticed by all men.: "Ethics and the seeming randomness of its action, surrounds us all.@ total ethics one communes with the all-ness of everything else, beliefs are..."