Sunday, February 4, 2024

"We the People" has become " We the taxed Servants of the few."

 It is I. Donnie Harold Harris- a politician and a founder of the Political Party of Indiana. Thank you for allowing me to tell you who I Have become/ & am. My story starts out a little unusual. I have perfect recall. Which is kinda like the perfect pitch in music. I remember everything. Yet I have recalled little. This allows me to never have to remember anything as it happens. I become it instead of it being as it is. Here goes. You are the first to hear my story. I was minding my own Plane of Existence when a Messenger of God appeared at my throne of choice. I was again returned for my 8TH dynamic of existence here on this plane of existence of 1-7. My first time being dropped here by ship 8200 years ago. This lifetime, As I arrived at the funnel of creation, I was met and given a list of things to do. I watch in amazement as 2 other beings entered before me. I was the third to go down into creation. I was born on 8/1/53 @ 6:33 AM. My identical twin was born before me at 6:30 AM. The third was never located so far.I was born into the lowest classes of poverty -I would hide my true self and an understanding of the all afraid of being recognized by something or someone- I came into this world at the Colman Hospital. A specialty hospital behind the county hospital General Hospital for struggling pregnant women. My mother was a 19-year-old named Mary. I was her 7th child. I am her 4th son of 7 sons and 3 daughters By a carpenter father named Virgil. She turned 20 the next day. I am an Identical(Mirror) twin. I was born 3 minutes after My brother. Who disappeared before I was born. I would not be reunited with him for 6 months or so. I was obese & healthy compared to him; he was a very sickly baby needing a blood transfusion ( only a single Black lady would stand and give him needed blood, saving his life and causing teasing later by family) and an incubator for 3 or 4 months (missing union with mom and breastfeeding because of his low weight. Called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. So we meet down the road a piece. What happened to me was also bad. I was circumcised against my knowing approval, creating the basic distrust of medicos & later religion) Fast forward. By the time I finished 8th grade at 15 years old, 10 years of schooling, and 2nd grade done 2 times, I would go to 21-grade schools more than once. Finishing with 4 universities. I Lived in the guardian's home 5 /6 times, up to over 2 years. I would live in over 100 houses. Meeting 10,000 other kids. Causing compassion and deep unity with all people. Hundreds of teachers. I would also be Molested by 1 Male cousin as an infant, Setting into motion that would end up with me having over 4500 sex partners by 30 years of age. 10,000 plus encounters. Another rapist cousin was in the second grade escalating to the Kidnapping and Violent Rape incident @ 15 ( 7. below). That almost cost me the death of my Dad, stepmom, Twin Brother, And Brother Bob. See the police report on me, where you will find other rapes there. (The mother hides these crimes for the baby's protection with false thinking that they will not be recalled later by them as I can) Read my book when ready -of all data & names & photos then, "Behind the men's room door." Other molestation would happen in order 1. cousin -Buddy Huddleston (dead)- 10 months old. 2. Cousin -Ronnie Harris- age 7-6 -convicted child molester 3. Happy Hollow Camp -2 brothers that were blood brothers: Stoney and Rocky. One was abusive. And the other molestation and pissed on. The camp nurse interviewed me about it, but nothing happened.- I was also almost murdered by a male counselor at the camp Pool in the lake while preparing it for other children after lunch to come to swim. I also must say a Single Male fisherman Saved my life at this same lake at the boat dock as I reached for a frog in the water that turned out to be a copperhead snake. 4. Garfield Park restroom is at the Pool lower area. Hand play 10ish. 5. Paperboy @ 12 tricked into taking a roll of quarters at the paper station while paying my bill early one Saturday morning. Would be forced into submission and even had a school superintendent watching the action even though Dick Lugar, later mayor, and U.S. Senator, did not join in then., but would watch and masturbate himself. 2 or so times. Later, to become a Powerful politician. That resulted in the ------- street murders in Nov 71. Looking for 3 pictures of child porn. Who was in the photos was what was to drive a 3-year Typhoon of Intrigue. I buried these in the basement of a house that was later destroyed while I was looking for them.If they had used a pot-smelling dog to find them. I buried it with an ounce of Acapulco gold pot. The photos were taken in the basement of the Marion County City Building. They would have been discovered then. The paper station was on prospect & villa area.1964/5. Police were aware of what happened then. I was again made to flee for my life, forewarned by an undercover agent. Hiding in the U.S. Army. But found there. 6. Police reported ones. A stranger attacked @ 4 -and reported it to the police- I misunderstood and thought I was going to jail for stealing trash, as was told by the perp. Creating a lifetime of distrust of the police. 7. Pick up as a 14/15-year-old while hiking down Washington Street from downtown to Washington and State Street. Extreme violence and pot- my first encounter with it. A complete and full police report almost doomed my family from trusting the police. 8. Religious one. The encounter with 2 priests at a catholic church of the south meridian with big steeples. This caused my confrontation with God himself outside a church on Morris Street. I had to decide if it was time for the horseman to let go of his Reins of destruction upon the world. I made a covenant with God with 3 wishes, just like Aladdin and his lamp. Of the 2 wishes that were used, the 3rd has never been used. For all. Working successfully as a local contractor for the last 40 years only to see all lost that I had built -home included- Selling over $ 26,000,000.00 in locally sold work Paying an estimated sales tax of $500,000.00- only to receive NO local help from the state or city. Living for the last 5 years in a small V.A. disability from my service connects duty to my country or $125.00 monthly. After 49.4 months, I finally received 100% service-connected disability. My friends, I am no republican. Not a Democrat. I am always for the most over least. I am for the most in number. I believe our rights start at birth -completely. That government is a privilege and not a right. We are the citizenry. We Live and die. The government is temporary and does not sleep with me at night. Are not our rights of citizenship and our greater right as a human first before a sheet of words made up by the few for what most called laws? The law is unchanging and always natural. We, the people, have been replaced with We, the taxed servants. Something that is understood without knowledge. Can you help us all out of this mess caused by the few greedy few? Go, Green. Support a Green candidate closest to you today.Then help outwards from there. Send them your support for now. It is our Time. This is the place, and you are the person we are. We are the people to take back this place for us all before the 3rd wish is uttered in global disappointment. Unity Party. P.S. The first 2 wishes were not wasted. Read my book. It is not a cookbook but a book of understanding. Thank you, my friend. Donnie Harold Harris Public Party is now a Unity Party candidate for the office of the presidency of the United States in 2024.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Lake of life.: The way to Happiness threw self Help.

Lake of life.: The way to Happiness threw self Help.:   Why are you, you? Why not me? Want not? Why are you not me? How could you be sure of yourself? Why believe you are anything but something ...

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Pedophilia And Local Catholic Priest In Indianapolis.


Pedophilia; Location of the Game. Indy

When I was 11, My Dad remarried a German Jew named Larry Blankenship ( Leuria Jewel).   She would become a torturer and humiliate us 4 boys, who were given to my dad by the wisdom of the local divorce court judge.Our social worker was Mrs Heart, an overwhelmed small woman way over her head. She resorted to lies to get our hopes up. Those dreams failed. So dad would not have to pay support. He was given charge of us four boys. Mom got the baby Gary and the three girls, my sisters. One then went to the grandparents along with my half-oldest brother. Ten total by the time she was 23. One died at nine months old from ammonia when my window had been knocked out by my dad in a drunken haze. or so we were told. A descendant system designed to punish, not help, the children under the court's care. He would not have to pay support for his other children. Within weeks, we would have to eat hard dog food to survive her hatred for us. Details of all the abuse are documented in my Book # Behind the Men's Room door. Today's book on my first eighteen years has not been written for the care and love of my two children. I have to give you a couple of stories. Or I will collapse into massive shame. We would be Held Down then she would pour turpentine directly into our assholes. Two of the 4 got this treatment for wetting the bed. Which, of course, we did because we were terrified. She would wait until the neighborhood kids would come out. When she would make us wash our pissy sheet in a wash tube in the back yard. Talking loudly so all could hear that we were bed wetter. We were 7 or eight. Later that year, we would end up for our 5TH and last time as Inmates at the Local Marion County Children's Home on University Ave. on the Old Butler Campus. Now a Charter High School. Dad and Larry were not allowed to remarry because of a law of some kind about divorce. They would marry when we were 11. Suddenly, we both stopped wetting the bed. I would have a profound religious experience At That time. On a special holiday, Palm Sunday, something possessed me to walk out of our house One block from a three-way corner street.    Where Collage Virginia Avenue and our street cross south street met. The city market was there on the corner at the time. I walked down the middle of the road as The wind became powerful. When up in front of me, Clouds were Stirring and bursting in power. Suddenly, a Twist formed before my eyes, Moving directly at me. I looked at it and decided I could handle Larry, My stepmom, but Not this weather. I then, without thought, commanded it to go away. It dissolved before my very eyes. Later that day, I heard there were 20 tornadoes that Palm Sunday. April 11TH, 1965, I was eleven. After Larry's Dog Chippie Bite, the youngest of us four was in the Lip For eating his food while on all fours at his dog bowl, he was returned to the Safety of Mom.                                             I had several religious events Happen to me before I was 12. This is the big one.   What became known as the turning point of my life, a major crossroads, was my next religious experience. It was the Turning Point That would kick in two years. Here goes. My stepmom and Dad got Married on March 5, 1963. I was 9. Dad had to remarry as part of a court agreement. We moved into her house at 1401 !/2 Saint Charles Street. This is one block from a busy street in South Meriden. There was a fatal car wreck at that corner, causing the city to put a light on the corner. Upon moving into this Place, local kids would later tell us an old man had committed suicide upstairs in our bedroom. We were told not to cross any street. My twin and I had no toys, not even a Ball. we did have a few marbles. We went to the front and kicked a can down our sidewalk. I could not cross a street, so we kicked it up the street south when we discovered a Massive church with a little parking lot to kick the can in. It was A Saturday or Sunday morning. Easter weekend. The Church was Sacred Heart Catholic Church. We both looked up where two angles of God seemed to float downward. I thought they came down the stairs. There are none. I instantly realized that I was seeing messengers from God. To finally hear my prayer, Our prayer. I would never have survived had it not been for my twin. The one that lived in an incubator for four months at birth. I felt personally responsible for what was about to happen to us.Even though years later, I realized it was a medical condition called T to T To T to S. These two gods, Messager, were the Local priests. I had never seen such an outfit. These two men Ask us to stop kicking the can and making such a racket early Sunday or Saturday morning. We were having a few minutes of fun. They invited us Into the Church. We went like sheep with them. God was calling me again into his house this time. They had said we could come into the Church and go bowling instead of waking the whole neighborhood kicking a can. Bowling. I had never bowled. I would have followed him into hell if he wanted. He did want. We were told to remove our holy tennis shoes; it was normal for poverty-stricken children at the time to have cardboard as an inner layer of protection. To this day, I can not walk very far without shoes on. When we reached the Bowling alley. When the priest discovered My wholed socks, He told me the two priests had somehow separated us, and I had to remove my socks. Then he asked if I had ever been examined by a doctor. I said no. He explained that he was a doctor as well as a priest. Both meant nothing to me. I had once taken candy from the medicine cabinet, requiring my stomach to be pumped at the General Hospital where I was born. I now know we were born at the Colman Hospital for pregnant women. Mom had complications not going. She had identical twins. He undressed me and Gave me new socks, underwear, and a tee shirt after he stuck something in my anus. I was pretty surprised. He was a Doctor, after all. He did not undress but pulled up his outfit. Over the next two years, I waited for God to come to me. He did it later in a powerful way. It is in the book. If you can find it. We only bowled one ball, as I recall.About two years later, after the last trip to the Children's Home on University Drive, Dad dropped us off Downtown at the only movie theater open on Sunday. The OHIO Theater. After arriving, Lon went to the bathroom and returned with the Largest box of popcorn and the largest drink I had ever seen. We had no money. I turned in surprise, and he said Go into the men's room, and some guy will give you five dollars to look at your dick. I went, and he did. I then knew what God wanted me to do. This happened after being set up and attacked by my paper station manager when I delivered the star on Prospect Street at 11 threw 14. This is where I also had sex while Dick Luger watched three times. He never touched me. He did jack off while watching me do the work. Now, I had to find a way out of this paper station. Rape every Saturday Morning with a growing audience. There Was someone else watching with School board member Dick Luger. Later, the Mayor of the U.S. Senator. Now dead. I became unstable when he stated he planned to run for the presidency of the United States. I went to the Southside police station, told them the story, and almost got arrested. He dropped out. By the time I stopped being controlled by the local Catholic priest Father Morly and his freak brother Bud Morley, a Courte big shot with the power to change any charge to nothing. , I was 18 when a client of mine was Murdered, possibly because of me. He lived on North Lassalle Street. on November 29, 1971. I rushed to finish high school and joined the U.S. Army to hide. I was free. Or so I thought so. Somehow, the close-knit group of Catholic Priests would pass us around like they owned us. I personally had sex with about 25 different priests over 5 years. 
The local Church has Failed to acknowledge this. It is called Denial. All is true. I was targeted and almost murdered at fifteen. I fled to CA to save my family's lives. Within days of arriving in Hollywood, I turned down sex twice with Rock Hudson on Hollywood Boulevard. That dam angle showed up once again and warned me not to do what I was being forced into By saying what if you were to become the president of the United States? Would you still do this? I was being bullied into making more underage teen gay porn. I walked away. Rock Hudson looked like a lost little boy. I felt power for the first time.

How does the immune system work?

 The immune system is your body’s defense against harmful invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and cancer cells. It consists of two main parts: the innate and adaptive immune systems. The innate immune system is the first to respond to any threat and includes physical barriers, such as skin and mucous membranes, and immune cells that can kill or engulf germs. The adaptive immune system is more specific and develops over time as your body encounters different germs. It produces antibodies, proteins that recognize and neutralize germs, and memory cells, which can remember and respond faster to previous infections. The immune system also has various organs and tissues that help produce, store, and transport immune cells and molecules, such as the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and tonsils1

 If one changes the words to those of several systems, one will find that The design is a running mate to that of the body functions.                How can I boost my immune system?   Many factors affect your immune system, including sleep, diet, exercise, stress, and lifestyle habits. Some general tips to boost your immune system naturally are:

These are some of the ways you can boost your immune system naturally. However, remember that these strategies are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. You should consult your doctor or a qualified health professional if you have any health concerns or questions.                                                                                 Can stress affect my immune system?          Yes, stress can affect your immune system in various ways. Stress can reduce the number of immune cells that fight infections, increase inflammation that can lead to chronic diseases, and impair the body’s anti-inflammatory response123

Stress can also cause depression and anxiety, which can further weaken your immune system. Therefore, managing your stress levels and finding healthy coping methods is essential. Some of the strategies that can help you reduce stress and boost your immune system are getting enough sleep, eating more whole plant foods and healthy fats, avoiding or limiting alcohol and tobacco, exercising regularly, and practicing positive thinking and relaxation techniques14

If you want to learn more about how stress affects your immune system and what you can do to prevent it, you can check out these sources:

Public Party; First Definition;: The conditions of existance. The Atoms/adam threw ...

Public Party; First Definition;: The conditions of existance. The Atoms/adam threw ...:  What are special powers? The basic biology of the human body.  The human body is a complex and fascinating system of organs, tissues, cells...

Sunday, November 12, 2023